Monday, October 14, 2013

Day 6: Wednesday, October 9 -

Day 2 at Leopardstown!  It is myself and Louise in the morning, but she has fantasticly awesome hours - and she gets to leave by 12-1 pm everyday - perks of being the boss's wife I suppose;)

She kindly offered me a tedious job - of course, I jumped at the opportunity to try anything new.  She laughed as she handed me 49 labeled vials and asked me to peel off all the labels as she explained a patient comes in every day to pick up her medication - so they fill bottles for her with just 1 tablet in it so she is not confused - then they separate it into daily bags (7 vials for with 1 tablet in each of her different meds).  Well, she was not kidding, this was definitely a very tedious job - but it so special that they do this for her!!  Apparently she gets very confused even with blister packs and just takes all her medication if she has it - so it is necessary that she only get one day's worth at a time!  Seriously, probably best customer service award ever!!

Around 12, Margaret, the pharmacist relieving Louise came in!!  She works part time for Farmers as well for a very long time.  She is a very lovely lady - who brought in 2 articles for Julie, the sales assistant (I'd call her a pharmacy technician), to read.  Julie is also about 25 year old single mother of an adorable little girl!  So it was an appropriate article for her and I to read given our age and the relevance!

People constantly come in for products such as these:  

Commonly, the pharmacist will counsel them by asking if they are aware it has codeine (most are very aware).  Then, they tell them that they can only use it for 3 days to avoid addiction.  Most females say they are on their menstrual cycle and need this - or that they have a terrible migraine right now that requires immediate relief.  Apparently the top one (Migraleve) is very nice because it also has a product similar to meclizine for nausea relief!  Very cool - unlike us with sudafed though, it is not really if someone really wanted they could go to every pharmacy in all of Ireland and purchase codeine without a legal max!  Very interesting!

I put away the order today, but as you can tell, they are pretty good with their stock, so Julie taught me how to do returns.  Depending on the company, some accept returns and refund the full amount!  It also pays to have a relationship with them because one company absolutely refuses to do refunds, but Louise called and without hesitation they accepted the exception for her!  So it is important to know your inventory and what you truly need - but to also establish relationships with the companies you purchase from.

Another task they have to complete is to manually match up all the receipts from the register to make sure it all matches with whats in the drawer.  So, with each transaction that is credit card, they keep a receipt then verify it went through and they will have payment.  Quite tedious also!

I convinced Cayla to join and go to a mingling event tonight!  Well, it was free finger food and €4 drinks!  Cayla was super nervous because it is quite awkward to be with a group of people you do not know and just all meet in that manner.  

On our way, we found the Dublin castle:)  We stopped for a photo opp before making our way to Bull & Castle -

So we sat down at Bull & Castle at an empty table that said reserved.  We assumed this reserved meant for us, and saw a girl sitting alone next to us.  Cayla bravely approached her and said, 'Hi, do you mind ....' and she cuts Cayla off and said, 'Um, that is reserved for my event, you cannot sit there..'  hahahhaha poor Cayla.  We embarrassingly got up and moved to a table with two girls about our age.  We sat there and had some conversation.  They were very nice girls, but they did not bring our table the finger food so we asked the table next to us to share and this is what they gave us....nice!!  We all wanted to go to Temple Bar area instead - so we gathered our things and walked up the road!

Leave it to Temple bar to be super fun:)  We walked into the Irish music pub and they all thought we were from Australia- not sure why though!  We danced and listened to the music before heading to the LUAS to make sure we caught it before it stopped running.

Luckily, we made it just in time and saw the'vests' all gathered in the front.  We sat down and not 2 seconds later one walked up and asked us for our tickets!  Well - we were the only dang people they asked the ENTIRE ride to check the tickets.  What the heck was that about?  haha!!!  We proudly presented our tickets and sat there until our stop a couple minutes down the rail!  Criminey though - why just us?  Craziness - good thing we are responsible, respectable girls:)

Grand: bland, like okay, fine - i'm okay don't worry about it

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