Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 4: Monday, October 7 - Insurance and That's OTC?!?

I woke up a little early today so I could enjoy some breakfast with tea!  Yes, I am turning into a tea lover:)  I then went on my way to walk to Farmers!

I arrived at promptly 9 am where I was greeted with a Methadone patient who's mother was unfortunately in the hospital.  He requests that his doses be split because it is too much for him to take at once and he does not feel 'right'.  So we gave him 2 doses - one immediately to be supervised and he took his other home.  Then he informed us his mother was in the hospital and he would like to have an additional day's worth in case he couldn't make it in.  We provided him with an additional dose for the next day so he could be with his 'mum.'

Liam decided to contract with a new blister pack company.  This company has their labels print out pictures of the patient's medications on the blister pack so they know which pill is which - exactly!  Brilliant concept!  It provides the patient with the most up to date medication list in addition to makes their medication experience a both safe & effective one.  It is cute because their dinner time = tea time!  I love how they talk here - it so so sweet and rather friendly sounding!:)

So once a prescription is entered, it is stored until they are ready to be verified.  It is a good idea to keep up with their verification papers because otherwise it can really build up!  I took a huge stack, and it must be separated into their payment schemes:
GMS - General Medical Services
DPS - Drug Payment Scheme (€144)
HT - High Tech
LTI - Long Term Illness
GR - GMS Repeat
Then you have your standard 'private' insurance!
There are certainly many different payment methods- and it is important to monitor that you are properly reimbursed for all of them.  So you go into the computer and verify that the amount it says you bill for matches the quantity on the prescription.  Then, you verify that the medications match whats written on the original and 'verify' the script.  If you are missing a prescription, then you make it 'red' to search for it until you find the original to verify it.  Once they are verified - you need to string them all together in numerical order and wait a month until it comes in to verify that they actually pay you for what you billed for.  Quite the process and quite manual - so much different then home!

Here is some more of their medication names I found interesting/cute today!
3.  Nuasa = Gastro-resistant Aspirin
4.  Fluclon = Flucloxacillin
--is a narrow-spectrum beta-lactam antibiotic of the penicillin class. It is used to treat infections caused by susceptible Gram-positive bacteria. Unlike other penicillins, flucloxacillin has activity against beta-lactamase-producing organisms such as Staphylococcus aureus as it is beta-lactamase stable. However, it is ineffective against MRSA. It is very similar to dicloxacillin and these two agents are considered interchangeable.
5.  Lipostat = Pravastatin
6.  Solpadeine = codeine + acetaminophen + caffeine --> OTC!!

but Melatonin is prescription only---- quite interesting here!:)

After work, Cayla met me at Farmers so we could check out a new food store - well not new, but - new to us!!  It is called Marks and Spencers - now we purchased cookies here before, but now we are going to get to experience the food shopping area of this place!  It is known to be a little more pricey, but delightful food!
This is the shopping mall from the top - quite a place - and theres numerous food shopping places IN THE 'mall'!

Cayla and I were so impressed with this food store!  It was absolutely amazing!!  They have the best food I have ever seen - it is so fresh and while it was slightly more expensive then Tescos, it had far better quality and if you were to use it within 2 days, you could get it at a discounted price.  I only spent €35 here rather then the 80 at Tescos - and the food was way way better!  SCORE:)

They do not give you bags when you purchase your groceries - and we did not have bags with us so we had to buy 2 little plastic bags to carry all our groceries a mile down the road!  It was a gorgeous day - clouds and the sky - beautiful walk home though it was long with the heavy overfilled bags!

Excited to dig in to our new food - we made ourselves some chicken sandwiches - this chicken was as good if not better then Omaha!!!  SO excited that we found this place:)

Happy, we went into our room to go to bed, when I spotted a spider !! I fell off my bed in fear so Cayla came to my rescue and killed the terrible creature!    Thank you Cayla for allowing me to have a good night's sleep!!!

Irish Word of the Day:  Query = Question

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