Thursday, October 10, 2013

Day 5: Tuesday, October 8 - Leopardstown, GHB, & Onsies

Leopardstown Pharmacy today!!  So Liam has 3 different pharmacies:  in Beacon, Dundrum (where I work), and Leopardstown.  All very different populations so Liam wanted to ensure I dabbled a bit in each location to learn the different personalities of them:)

To get here, I must take the LUAS over 2 zones - which is €5 round trip!  It is a very simple ride - then once I got off the LUAS, I planned on using my iPhone with the new Irish SIM card in it (unlimited data for €20 - fantastic - did not even need a call plan with this type of deal especially with skype, facetime, and imessage:))

I got off the LUAS, and look what I saw as soon as the doors opened!  Easiest trip of my life!  Thank goodness too because at this point it was 8:55!  Just on time:)

I walked in and met this lovely lady named Louise.  She was talking as if she knew the pharmacy forever.  Most people that work here are related so I asked her - oh are you related to Liam also?  WHELP turns out she's his wife!!!   HAHA!!! I was mortified...she asked - didn't Liam tell you? haha!  oops!  So she explained that Dundrum was for Liam and his sister and their father owned it.  Leopardstown was something that Liam and Louise opened together - SO CUTE!!  I kept going on about how adorable this was:)

Well, leave it to Ireland Pharmacies to blow my mind each time!  I opened the order to find this interesting product:

Can you guess what this is?  I apologized to Louise and ran to get my camera to take a picture of this.  It is just casually sold here with no restrictions - in America - it is also known as GHB!  Wow,  I was in shock that this was just casually stocked here and given with absolutely no additional information needed.  They kept it in the safe but they weren't sure why - I started laughing and saying an American must have been here and freaked out when they saw this ;)  They all laughed:)  Still quite interesting - they immediately took it out of the safe as it apparently does not belong in there.

They have this hanging on the wall here!  Quite cute and appropriate:)  Everyone that works here is quite adorable and so incredibly nice.  Even when they claim to be mad, they sound so welcoming and friendly - I love it here!!!

After lunch a 'locum' came in.  I died laughing because I had no idea what this was...they could not explain it to me in terms I'd understand until they said she does not work at one store, she has multiple stores.  I said oh my word - this is a floater!!!  They said FLOATER?? thats a terrible name for her position, so degrading! hahahaha!! We all laughed and I asked her to explain her position to me - this sounds way to cool!
-Locum:  So she is independent locum - this means that she is employed by herself - a very lovely woman - incredibly knowledgeable and just 26 years old.  She is typically booked 6 months out and she works at every independent pharmacy that needs holiday coverage.  This would mean she has to know all the different systems and patient populations to be successful in the position!  She is rather perfect for this job the locum I met.  She is very friendly, and the most cautious pharmacist I have met here thus far.  She counsels every single patient she sends off with a prescription and checks the label with check marks to confirm her verification.  She said it is the reason for her incredibly low number of errors as a pharmacist is the fact that she does take this time.  She looks at expiration dates, checks tablets added to boxes, verifies allergies, and literally counsels everyone on the most important information!  It is so so incredible and awesome that she is so brilliant!  

Here are some counseling points she made:
1.  Birtth control with an antibiotic:  skip the off week and continue through to your new pack - vs. what we say which is use a back-up method while on the abx and for 7 days thereafer.  So they are getting ready to publish new guidelines that do not even have the counsel for any interaction!  If their antibiotic does not overlap with their new pill pack, then they do not need to worry about it!

2.  Eye drops:  same recommendations of pulling up the eyelid

3. Mefac: an NSAID type medication - they are able to use paracetamol (same as home) but must take with food

4. Antibiotics:  Augmentin is currently 3 times daily, but last year it was just 2 times daily

After being at work, I went home to have dinner.  Then Cayla and I had a huge dinner and Elaine invited some friends over.  The one friend brought a puppy - which obviously Cayla had to dress up for and play with!  haha!  Cayla is happy now :)

Irish Word of the Day:  locum - similar to a 'floater' pharmacist, just a much nicer way of putting it ;)

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