Monday, October 21, 2013

Day 3: Friday, October 4 - Weight Loss & Ballads

Start time today was half past 9:)  So I was pretty excited when I left the house at 9am to begin my journey!  Well lo behold - I set the dang alarm off at her house.  I could not figure out how to make the obnoxious noise stop - it literally sounds the alarm loud enough to be heard a mile away.  I was forced to call Elaine at work about how to turn off the alarm!  Sorry Elaine!  9:15 arrives and I am finally on my way to rotation - Good thing it is only a 25 minute walk - I just walked ridiculously fast;)

The first patients were there for their methadone prescriptions and waiting for Liam to monitor their consumption of the medications.  It is interesting because many patients have certain days allotted for this and they talk to Liam and the staff here which is so cute because they have that true relationship.  One patients mom was in the hospital so it is nice to have the relationship and flexibility with the patients.

A representative from Pfizer came in to explain their new method of communication via email.  As I spoke with him, he offered an incredible opportunity to come to their headquarter here to learn about their process for it here!  We exchanged emails and I am working on setting up dates with them now for time in the regulatory and medical divisions- so awesome! 

This woman came in with questions about stopping her period that was supposed to start next week.  We explained about taking her pill and skipping the placebo or off week.  Then we learned that she is currently not taking any form of contraception  she just did not want her period next week because her husband and herself were going out of town.  We explained the benefits and risks of using birth control.  She decided to go home and discuss this Information with her husband given their religion.  We provdied her with Birth control counsel pamphlets:

Then this gentleman came in with bonjela teething paste.  This had choline salicylate 8.7% so he was concerned with giving this product to his baby due to Reyes Syndrome.  We did some research and discovered it looks as though the incidence is very low as is- but to eliminate a risk they changed the formulation to contain lidocaine instead- however it was hard to find and they stocked the salicylate one.  It is such a low dose - in the end the intern and I recommended against it while the pharmacist went with her long knowledge base and suggested it would be safe.  

Once again, they got a morning order then an afternoon order to replenish what they used.  I am now a pro at checking in orders, ensuring accuracy, updating quantities, and matching up the paperwork! Ready for a new challenge I wanted to start entering prescriptions.  I greeted a patient and took her prescription to enter it.. I did the whole process myself :) and couldn't have been prouder!!  It was quite exciting!

Allbhe and I celebrated by trying a Lipotrim bar from the other day.  These bars are supposed to replace meals.  We took one bite and both of us cringed- they tasted awful!!!  They are super high in fiber probably due to their cardboard taste!! People say you need to eats a couple to actually appreciate their taste.  Also, you need a stone to lose to actually be on this diet so I was satisfied with the one taste only!

The Royal College of Surgeons was having ballad night and Allbhe invited me to come along to meet some of her friends.  I was soooo excited!!!!  She told me that Irish girls tend to get really dressed up and do their hair and make up with fancy outfits... She then asked me what I was wearing and I merely had my pants with that shirt... Haha whooooppss!  Good thing Cayla over packs well kind of she just has way more stuff then me... But I'm winning for this now!!

Allbhe's boyfriend happens to be that guitar player:). He is in their medical school and from Canada!!  He was soooo nice.  They are definitely way cute together:)

Cayla looks ready to go out with the Irish girls while I am ready for a dinner date-__- haha 

It was quite lovely hanging out with these girls and learning about their school.  Even their jobs and complaints are the exact same!!!  They have the same boy troubles, the same patient complaints, the same colleague concerns!  It is literally universal!  I really believe it's how you perceive it..I mean the work component of course... Boys, well they'll never change;)

The school here works like this:  4 years and you get your pharmacy degree which means almost nothing without the masters- it is then a 1 year rotation (1 full year at one location or two  - 6 month rotations  and that's the extent of the choices and hands on exposure they have!  I couldn't believe it.  But from talking to Allbhe she has a lot of knowledge regarding the medications - quite similar to us:)

So apparently when they graduate high school they can have a 1 year "holiday" visa to go to Australia and work.  Then each summer they have 4 months to travel and almost everyone takes out loans and takes advantage of these opportunities of going to california or japan or china or South Africa.  The skies the limit for them.  What an incredible life experience... We need to start having this...  Oh by the way- minimum vacation time here = 20 days to start!!!!  Unreal!!!!

We had a grand time out:). I loved all the new friends I made and all I learned! Everyyyyone here is so nice and friendly!!! Definitely picked the best place ever to study abroad:).

Irish of the Day:  Biscuit - means 'cookie' :)

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